Supervision in Emotion-Focused Therapy is an important part of being a skilled therapist. We can separate supervision in two different aspects: relational and technical ones. In EFT, we firstly focus supervision on the relational part and on the alliance with the supervisee. Validation, trust and acceptance are extremely important to create an environment where the supervisee can feel secure and then is able to explore his doubts and emotions. Thus, the supervisor needs to be aware of supervisee emotions, not only with the client within the session but also during supervision. After creating a safe environment, Supervisor and Supervisee can discuss technical aspects, especially EFT´s empathy, markers and tasks. To become a certified EFT therapist, there is a need of 16 hour supervision sessions with a Certified EFT Supervisor. Our director, Marco Mendes, is a Certified Supervisor (ISEFT). Our supervisions can be taken in groups and also individually. They can be alive or by digital media (Zoom or Skype). If you wanna have information, get in touch by