Certification in TFE
Experiential Integrative Process
Study Groups

Experiential Integrative Process

Experiential Integrative Process (EIP) is a method created by Marco Mendes and his colleagues.  
The method was created to overcome psychotherapists difficulties on working with empathy. Every therapist believe that is empathic but it is not that simple. The domain of solution-focused approaches like CBT, DBT and others, created a focus on changing the client rather than accepting. Thus, Tthe goal of the method is to introduze  principles of Experiential Psychotherapies, including humanistic approach, attachment theory and Emotion Focused Therapy, in an experiential way.

EIP has three levels and each one has specific themes and content. In Brazil, we are using EIP as a pre-requirement to Level 1 EFT training. 
Module I - Attachment and Identity 
1. Attachment Theory thropugh an experiential perspective
2. Internal Working Models
3. Right Brain to Right Brain Interventions
4. Imagery work 

Module II - The Focus on Emotions
1. Dialectical Constructivism
2. Empathic Training 
3. How to sense your body and access informations

Módulo III - Principles of EFT
1. Imagery Work
2. Two chair work (Conflict and Interruptive Splits)
3. Empty chair work
3. Experiential Interventions

Rua Engenheiro Enaldo Cravo Peixoto, 215 – Sala 310 – Tijuca – Rio de Janeiro
(21) 99230 7496 – contato@tfebrasil.com.br